LGBTQ+ EMS Awareness
We like to speak of cultural awareness. That comment generally means that we immediately think of different nationalities, religions, races, and creeds. However, as of late the left out have been those with different preferences of lifestyle. This in itself is an area we leave out of the conversation in EMS pretty heavily. By now we have all encountered a patient that was either trans or identifying in a unique way. But I am sure, like me, you have had a hard time addressing how to approach this sometimes volatile topic. There are strong opinions on both sides of this conversation. That is why you should join us as we host Miss Delaney Kenyon and explore how we as field EMS providers can address this area and be respectful and effective in the field.
Your Instructor
Miss Delaney Kenyon has been an EMT for 5 years and is a full time college student. Miss Kenyon Is the Student Director of her college EMS organization and has taken a special interest in building a curriculum that discusses LGBTQ+ sensitivity and presents on how to make this a part of our EMS currculums and instructor training programs.